At Berkley we are well resourced with a range of digital devices for students to use in classrooms. We also welcome students bring their own devices to school to use as a tool for learning. Please read our Student Digital Practice and Safety Agreement on the link below to find out what students need to do in order to bring their device to school.

Student Digital Practice and Safety Agreement

Declare it! – Make sure your teacher is aware of the device. Don’t hide it away.

Sign it! – Understand the basics of Digital Citizenship and sign the mobile device agreement. We will learn about Digital Citizenship throughout the year.

Label it! – Make sure your name and room number are included somewhere on the device.

Prove it! – Take every opportunity to prove this device is a learning tool NOT just for games and personal leisure.

Care for it! – Use a protective case and ensure you lock up the device when not in use.

Demonstrate that you can be trusted.

Digital Technologies Programme

Our digital technologies programme aims to teach students how to design their own digital solutions and become creators of, not just users of, digital technologies.

Digital literacy and digital fluency are two concepts used to describe the knowledge and dispositions learners need to acquire in the process of becoming capable and confident users of digital technologies.

Our DT Programme is designed to deliver the objectives from the new Digital Technologies Curriculum (2020).

Information for families

The following notes may be helpful for families wanting to make informed choices about suitable devices for their child.

Students are able to bring a range of BYO devices such as: tablets, laptops and Chromebooks. We have no preference for a particular make or model. The only requirement is that they support the current standards for WiFi connectivity and any current models will have this capability.

Please note that smartphones are not considered 'fit for learning' tools and therefore are expected to be in the phone box during the school day.

Safe browsing of the World Wide Web (WWW) and other on-line services is facilitated through the school’s firewall and filtering, while a device is in use at school. Social media platforms such as FaceBook are not available to students working on devices at school due to age limits on these accounts. Students connect their BYO device to a WiFi network specifically for them.

The school firewall and filtering is supplied by Linewize and their ‘School Zone’ product.This protection does not extend to computer use away from school and therefore we would urge families to invest in some form of filtering and monitoring of their youngsters' use of computers. For Berkley families, Linewize can offer ‘Family Zone’ . This is a toolbox, which enables families to set rules around on-line times and safe browsing. There is currently a cost of about $70 per year for this service. ‘Family Zone’ provides a simple to manage solution for families who are looking to manage the challenges of access to the online environment.

For further support or information contact the school ICT Manager. Email : [email protected]
