Year 9

Year 9 - Continue the Journey at Berkley

Year 9 at Berkley is an opportunity for learners to continue their learning journey. A place for students to further grow a sense of self, through outstanding hands-on learning experiences that challenge inquisitive minds, fuel innovative thinking, and create a culture of teamwork and

Benefits of being a Year 9 at Berkley:

  • The opportunity to participate in the New Zealand William Pike challenge, where I will learn to overcome challenges, increase my confidence and self worth, and step out of my comfort zone.
  • The opportunity to attend a Year 9 Specialist Camp. The philosophy around the Year 9 camp is to increase students confidence, build leadership and develop strong connections with their peers. The camp's physical location varies from year to year depending on the groups strengths, needs and passions.
  • Develop Entrepreneurial skills. Year 9 students will learn the concepts of supply and demand, set a budget, plan and run a business, sell a product for return and learn effective money management skills. All proceeds will go towards the funding of the Year 9 shirt for 2025.
  • Being coached and mentored by Berkley staff to develop leadership skills.
  • Learning how to engineer - welding with recycled metal will require creativity and resilience. Students will learn the required skills necessary to use as they engineer and test their products against a design brief.
  • Having the opportunity to be involved in a specialised Year 9 Arts and Technology programme and extended science programme.
  • Experiencing high quality teaching and learning through STEAM where programmes are specifically tailored to students needs and strengths.

Year 9 STEAM?

STEAM is a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in five specific disciplines - science, technology, entrepreneurship, the arts and mathematics - in an interdisciplinary and applied approach. Rather than teach the five disciplines as separate and discrete subjects, STEAM integrates them into a cohesive learning paradigm based on real-world applications.

Year 9 STEAM - Download Document

year 9
Continuing the Journey at Berkley