DELTA Alert Level 2 Protocols

Date: 8 Sep 2021

8 September 2021

Along with the normal high standards of behaviour and respect we expect at Berkley, we are implementing the following plans so that Berkley is a safe place for all:

Stay Home If Unwell - Any children and staff are to stay at home if they are unwell. Children will be sent home immediately if they show any symptoms of being unwell.

Mask Wearing - Mask wearing at Alert Level 2 is recommended for all people aged 12 years and older, but is not a requirement. Students and staff who wish to wear a face covering should feel supported to do so.

Health and Safety Protocols - All students will be expected to use high standards of hand hygiene - That is washing hands regularly with soap and water, especially after toileting and hand sanitising regularly. (All classroom spaces have supplies of sanitiser). In addition to CrestClean’s daily clean, all classes are to have a daily protocol for wiping down hard surfaces before lunch eating. We expect that all our learners will ensure to follow the physical distance expectations. Hugs and handshakes are not appropriate at this time.

Food and Beverage - There will be no sharing of food, including shared lunches. The canteen will be open. Use of drinking fountains is permitted, however we are encouraging students to bring their own named water bottle from home.

School Assemblies and Gatherings - School assemblies and team hui will not be happening for the first 2 weeks of DELTA Alert Level 2. We will continue to monitor the guidelines from the Ministry of Health and resume these activities once we are confident that we can do so safely.
Students, please watch the informer for notices about when your tumuaki/academy programme will be starting. Out of school activities such as sports practices, Out Of School Music, MathNZ, CMD dance will restart at Alert Level 2 with additional health and safety protocols in place. Please refer to specific communication from these providers.

School Devices - All students who received a Berkley device during lockdown are asked to return these to school on the first day back (Thursday 9 September). Please deliver devices, along with their charges to the correct team table in the Learning Centre.

Transport - School transport services will resume under Alert Level 2. Students are not required to wear masks on Ministry of Education-run school buses. Students aged 12 and over are expected to wear a face covering on a public bus. Any student who is unwell should not travel on a school or public bus.

The School Office and Visitors on Site - The School office will be open at Alert Level 2 for parents/whanau. All visitors are asked to sign in using the QR codes or written register on the desk. Masks are to be worn by all visitors. All outside people (including parents and contractors) coming onsite other than just to the office will be required to sign in and out of the office using the tablet. To help us manage this important aspect of contact tracing we ask that parents not come on site unless in case of emergency, or for pre-arranged meetings.

At Alert Level 2 the school office will be closed to learners during breaks. All students going to the office will need a class card.

If a COVID-19 case is identified at our school during Alert Level 2, the school will be closed for cleaning and close contact tracing. If that happens we will revert back to the distance learning model until we are cleared to open.

Nathan Leith

DELTA Alert Level 2 Protocols