Mark Butler

Te Reo 

Email: [email protected]

Tena Koutou

Ko Rangipoua te Maunga,

Ko Haparapa te Awa,

Ko Mataatua te Waka,

Ko Te Whanau a Apanui te Iwi,

Ko Te whanau a Rutaia te Hapu,

Ko Otuwhare te Marae,

Ko Mark toku ingoa,

Kia ora, My name is Mark Butler.

I have been teaching for 10 years in and around the Waikato area.

I grew up in a small place called Omaio where I attended Omaio Primary School. I attended Hamilton Boys’ High School for my secondary schooling. I have always had an interest in teaching thanks to the amazing teachers during my schooling. Having a positive impact on me led me to applying and gaining my Teaching Degree. One of my favourite things about teaching is witnessing the “lightbulb” moment where the student gains the understanding to form a new concept. I like to extend the students' knowledge by allowing them to overcome their personal fears and obstacles that could be holding them back.

I have a passion for photography and flying drones and occasionally play golf. I also enjoy running. These are some of my hobbies, I bring these passions to class and share my knowledge and experiences.. Currently training for the 2022 Kathmandu Coast to Coast which has been a goal of mine to complete since watching my papa compete in 1992. This is what drives me and this aligns nicely with the Berkley motto of “Take Up the Challenge”.

No reira, tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa.

Mark Butler

Mark Butler